Parasites and their types ( Ticks, Mites)


Relatives of the spiders, ticks and mites are small, leathery invertebrates that are infamous parasites of humans and other animals. Although most are free-living, many of the parasitic forms transmit diseases to people and animals and some also damage crops. Most adult ticks and mites have four pairs of legs. Some mites are less than 1/50 inch (0.05 centimetre) in length; the largest ticks are slightly longer than 1 inch (2.5 centimetres). Some ticks and mites are covered with stiff hairs. Hard-bodied ticks and mites have numerous hardened plates on their bodies; soft-bodied species have only a few plates. Ticks can be distinguished from mites by the presence of a sensory pit, called Haller’s organ, on the end segment of the first pair of legs.

Parasites and its types ( Ticks , Mites)


Ticks are usually parasitic on large animals, and some occasionally attack people. They ordinarily require blood for their development and reproduction. Hard ticks, such as the American dog tick, attach to their hosts and feed continuously for several days. When full, the female drops off, lays her eggs and dies. The larvae then attach themselves to another host, fill themselves with blood, drop off, and grow into adults. While waiting for a host, adult ticks may go without food for as long as three years.

Most hard ticks live in fields and woods, whereas soft ticks generally live in the home or nest of the host. Hard ticks damage the host by drawing large amounts of blood, by secreting nerve poisons that sometimes produce paralysis or death, and by transmitting diseases such as Lyme disease, Texas cattle fever, tularemia (rabbit fever), and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Soft ticks are carriers of spirochetal relapsing fever and other diseases.

Parasites and its types ( Ticks , Mites)


Mites live in varied habitats—a few have even been found drifting in the atmosphere. Parasitic forms may live in the nasal passages, lungs, stomach, or deeper body tissues of animals. Parasitic mites include the chicken mite, northern fowl mite, and rat mite all of which attack humans. Grain mites not only damage stored grains but also cause skin irritations in those who handle such products. Itch mites burrow into the skin of humans, dogs, pigs, sheep, and goats, causing injury. Scab mites are found on sheep and cattle and sometimes cause serious injury.
About 500,000 species of ticks and mites make up the subclass Acarina of the arthropod class Arachnida.

Parasites and its types ( Ticks , Mites)