Photosensitization in cattle:

Photosensitization occurs when the presence of a chemical makes the skin sensitive to sunlight (especially UV wavelengths). This leads to skin damage and loss. It is not uncommon, but it causes significant economic damage, especially when it occurs in groups of animals.

                     Photosensitization in cattle: Photosensitization in cattle:

There are three types of photosensitization:

Direct photosynthesis occurs when the chemical is impaired in the metabolism of red blood cells in animals, or more commonly, from plants such as St. John's wort. Secondary photosynthesis occurs in animals whose liver is damaged. This damage interferes with the complete breakdown of chlorophyll, resulting in the accumulation of photosensitive chemicals. Local allergies can also result from a reaction to some plant juices. The most commonly affected areas are those that are exposed to direct sunlight, including the udder (which appears when the animal is lying down).

 Medical results:

 Non-oily skin is affected.

 Hair loss, redness, peeling

 Having skin ulcers

 Crusting, bleeding


 On the medical symptoms described above
 A veterinary diagnosis is necessary to rule out liver failure.


 Removal of cool shaded housing
 Fly control
 Adjuvant therapy
 Treatment of liver failure (if any)


Do not breed from photosynthetic animals due to genetic defects. Identify potential plant sources of photosynthetic chemicals and remove them.