Improving peak milk yields, Improving peak milk yields 

Here are some simple steps you can take to begin the process of preparation for mediation.

Health and hygiene

Healthy milk requires that the animal be healthy and that its health and hygiene be maintained. To increase milk production, it is important to take good care of the cattle. They should be cleaned daily, especially their nipples, legs, and tails should be kept clean at all times. Their living space should be suitable and comfortable and it should be cleaned daily and lime should be sprinkled there from time to time. To maintain the health of animals, they need constant care. Cattle should be vaccinated against infectious diseases and given stomach worm medicine (Drainage) at appropriate times. If the animal is infected with lice or ticks, it should be removed or given medicine. If a cattle becomes ill, it should be separated from other animals. Cattle should be fully protected from severe weather effects such as heat and cold, especially on hot days when they need cooling, such as shade and watering. In addition, the milker needs to be healthy and clean. Her hands, nails, and clothes should be clean. The teats of the animal should be washed with pure water before and after milking and after milking the milk should be sprayed with Tate Dip or Antiseptic.

                                     Improving peak milk yields,Improving peak milk yields


Good food is of great importance for animal rearing and better production. Nutrients play a major role in maintaining and enhancing animal productivity. Animals need starch (carbohydrates), proteins, fats (lipids), vitamins, and minerals for different bodily needs. Their dosage varies with age and diet. Animals should be fed a balanced diet for better production. A balanced diet contains all the nutrients that the body needs. If animals do not get good food, they will become weak and their milk, butter, meat, and wool production will be affected and they will suffer from various diseases.
In addition to green grass, the diet should include wheat straw or dry grass, any type of grain, molasses, mineral mix, and vitamins. In addition, dry fodder can be fed in combination with urea fertilizer. 



Water is essential for the survival of every living thing, whether human or animal. Water is vital for the growth of the animal's body, daily activities such as digestion, body temperature, reproduction and overall health as well as increasing milk production. Dehydration causes drought and disease in animals.
Large lactating animals such as cows and buffaloes in hot areas should be provided with at least 100 liters of clean water within 24 hours, and small animals 10 to 15 liters of clean water. If the animal is breastfeeding, it will need more water. It is better to arrange the water in such a way that the animal can drink water whenever it wants ie the water is closer to it. If the animals are in the open, the water should be within 50 feet of them. An animal needs about 5 liters of water for one liter of milk. If the animals get less water then the milk will be less. With this in mind, animals should be provided with a 24-hour water supply so that they can drink when they are thirsty.


Salt is naturally important in the diet of living things and plays an important role in the delivery of other nutrients to the body. Salt deficiency affects every aspect of physical performance such as physical growth, reproduction, health, and milk production. Due to the lack of salt in the body, the animal eats less food and whatever food it eats is not digested properly thus the health of the animal starts to be affected. And if the body is deficient in salt for a long period, the animal may suffer irreparable damage, such as weakening of the nervous system, resulting in weakness as well as animal diseases.

Symptoms of salt deficiency:

 The animal eats or licks non-food items like walls, dirt or wood, etc.

Daily salt requirement:

 For large animals like cows, buffaloes, etc. it is necessary to eat about 100 grams, and for sheep or goats at least 10 to 15 grams daily.

How to feed salt?

 The easiest way to do this is to place a large piece of mountain salt in the feed area of ​​each animal or tie it with a rope and hang it near the animal, so that
He could lick it when needed.