A 5-year-old cross-reared bull was given a past filled with anorexia, anuria and consistent distension of the penis 36 hours after intercourse. The clinical assessment uncovered an oedematous glans penis and a collection of pee behind the preputial opening. Under nearby absence of pain and in the wake of washing, withdrawal and repositioning of the distended penis and alongside postoperative treatment came about in an early recuperation.

                                       The board of Paraphimosis in a Bull: A Case Report

1. Presentation

Paraphimosis is the failure to withdraw the penis totally into the preputial cavity and ordinarily happens after an erection (Davidson, 2010). It is seen most frequently after semen
assortment or copulation. It could be because of either the narrowing of the penis behind the glans penis or enlarging of the glans penis, making it difficult to step the organ back through the normally little preputial opening (Neal, 1960).

2. Case History and Clinical Observation

A 3-year-old cross-reproduced bull, weighing around 200 kgs was introduced at Barpeta Road, Assam with a background marked by anorexia, anuria and a steady bulge of the penis 36 hours after copulation. On clinical perception, the bull was lying on horizontal supineness with the bulge of the penis and the skin of the prepucial hole was reversed. There was oedema of the glans penis and amassing of pee behind the preputial hole.

3. Treatment and Discussion

Lignocaine Gel was applied over the distended penis to lessen the aggravation because of injury and the gathered pee was emptied through gentle tension. Then the jutted penis was washed with ordinary saline water and the glans penis was withdrawn back by delicately sliding into the preputial depression. Tote string stitch was done on the prepucial hole to forestall re-event. Post-operatively the creature was treated with Ceftriaxone (Intacef, Intas) infusion @10 mg/ kg body weight IM for 5 days to forestall auxiliary bacterial contamination, infusion of Meloxicam (Melonex, Intas) @ 0.2 mg/kg body weight to decrease the expansion of the glans penis intramuscularly for 7 days and antihistaminic (Avil, Intervet SPANISH). The stitch was taken out on the ninth day after treatment also, the creature recuperated with no further confusion.
The principal objective in treating paraphimosis is to lessen the expansion and supplant the prolapsed penis back to the preputial hole at the earliest opportunity to shield it from further
wounds. Gained paraphimosis is an aftereffect of injury to the penis which makes harms the innervations of the penis prompting the loss of motion of penile retractor muscles.

The board of Paraphimosis in a Bull: A Case Report

Keywords: Management, Paraphimosis, Bull, Purse string stitch.