The body of a large animal consists of 56 to 81% water. Animal milk contains 85 to 87% water. In a single day, the animal produces 120 to 180 litres of saliva, which digests its food and makes milk. The animal needs four litres of water for every litre of milk it produces.

The usefulness of water for lactating animals ,dairy animal needs water comsumption in 24 hours

In total, a dairy animal needs 100 to 120 litres of water per day. Dairy farmers water their animals 2 to 3 times a day. Which does not meet their water needs. Therefore, to keep the animals open, it is important to provide clean and clear water 24 hours a day. The need for water tanks is very important for this purpose.

Observations have proved this. Tied animals that are watered 2 to 3 times a day. Leave these animals open 24 hours a day to provide clean and fresh water. Their milk production can be increased by 2 to 3 litres. From this, you can imagine how important it is to provide clean and fresh water to animals around the clock.

Mammals usually drink 30 to 50% of the water within one to one and half hours of milking. Therefore, it is very important. Freshwater for these animals immediately after weaning
