The nation delivered no less than 4.9 million tons of meat in 2020-21 according to the Economic Survey of Pakistan. Of it, just 95,991 tons or around 2% of the all-out creation could be sent out, mostly to Gulf Cooperation Council states and some Far East nations.
In Pakistan, meat creation is as yet in light of customary administration rehearses and is less useful. Throughout the previous few years, the yearly development of meat creation has, be that as it may, shown raised patterns. Beginning around 2003, Pakistan's meat industry has developed at a wonderful yearly pace of 27pc, from $14 million in 2002-03 to $339.93m in 2021. Hamburger is the prime exchanged item as the nation is positioned among the best 20 meat exporters on the planet.

The animal area contributed 60.1pc to agribusiness and 11.5pc to the GDP during 2020-21 according to the Economic Survey. Over 8m provincial families are occupied with domesticated animals creation determining around 35-40pc of their pay from this source. The gross worth expansion of animals has expanded by 3pc in a year, from Rs1.461 trillion out of 2019-20 to Rs1.505tr in 2020-21, it uncovers.

Pakistan has been wanting to trade meat and meat arrangements worth $500m toward the finish of the ongoing monetary year as Jordanian, Indonesian and Egyptian business sectors are additionally opening to it. Jordan has as of late permitted three Pakistani meat handling organizations to send out ox-like, sheep, goat and camel meat to it, while talks are in progress with Indonesian specialists to open its market to Pakistani meat. The primary commodity transfer for Jordan was planned for November 2021. In any case, no transfer could be dispatched to the Arab country however the examples had been supported by its area of expertise concerned. Pakistan has been wanting to trade meat and meat arrangements worth $500m toward the finish of the ongoing monetary year to Jordan, Indonesia and Egypt.

Musaab Mian Muhammad of Tazij Meat and Food, one of the three offices endorsed by Jordanian authorities during their visit last September, says the business attache in Jordan had buckled down in opening the Arab nation's market for Pakistan Halal meat and they were trusting that Pakistan would have the option to trade meat and its arrangements worth $100m during the year. Jordan is a promising business sector as its yearly meat imports are valued at $400-500m. In any case, for obscure reasons, the early energy shown by the potential Jordanian purchasers before long lost steam, he says.
Essentially, authorities at the unfamiliar mission in Indonesia have made an honest effort to present Pakistani meat there and starting discourse in such a manner has been extremely fruitful, yet maybe the foot and mouth illness (FMD) is getting this and different business sectors far from our meat, he says.

A Pakistani organization has proposed to supply semi-cooked or precooked meat to China as the warming system dispenses with the FMD yet has gotten no reaction up until this point and neighbourhood exporters keep on getting to the Chinese market through Vietnam.
"Fortunately, the nation meets every one of the necessities required for getting a major offer in the global market. The nation has around 100m of huge creatures. The area is developing at a yearly sound speed of 4pc against a 2.7pc expansion in the populace, leaving significant room for error for trade. Being a Muslim state with halal-affirmed slaughterhouses, there is not an obvious explanation for why we ought not to be ready to cut a major speciality for ourselves in the halal worldwide meat business, he says, however, mourns that the commonness of the FMD is ending up a significant bottleneck in the manner.

The World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) is against sending out from nations with FMD. The OIE limitation, in any case, leaves an open door open for such nations: make without fmd zones and homesteads and commodities from that point. Punjab has attempted to lay out a without fmd zone in its Cholistan desert however for the need of political will and the presence of administrative red-tapism, the drive didn't keep going long however somewhere in the range of 2,000 homesteads had been enlisted under the undertaking and more than Rs3 billion private speculation streamed in as individuals set up new ranches to profit from likely commodity amazing open doors.

Mr Muhammad proposes that as Lahore is the centre of meat sent out, a sans fmd zone ought to be made in the close Kasur area, which has a lot of value domesticated animals. He additionally calls for undertaking an ordinary general inoculation of creatures like kids to make the entire country without an fmd zone at an expense of just Rs500 million.
With critical enhancements in the income of the Chinese, the nation has as of late arisen as the significant hamburger shipper on the planet. Pakistan is now providing meat to China through Vietnam. In any case, this roundabout course accompanies issues of lower costs and lopsided request arrangements.

Pakistan has levied concessions on meat sent out in its Free Trade Agreement with China. Be that as it may, without even a trace of market access, they survive from no utilization.
Syed Hasan Raza of Syed Traders presents a two-dimensional guide to increment meat products to China. The first is the marking of a convention with the Chinese government followed by an assessment of meat handling offices by AQSIQ (General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine). The two nations have proactively marked comparable conventions for rice, mangoes and citrus.

After FMD, another test is arising for meat sent out as a knotty skin infection. The infection was first announced in March in Karachi and later spread to other Sindh locales as well as Rahim Yar Khan, and adjoining regions in Punjab. "Up until this point, the illness reports have been overlooked by unfamiliar purchasers yet these may adversely influence sends out on the off chance that the public authority doesn't act quickly to control the knotty skin infection,

" Mr Raza says.
Meat trade, similar to any remaining commodity organization, is a worth-added chain — creation, handling and promoting that requires a centre around every one of the three regions. Ranchers' administration rehearses should be improved for quality creation, better reproduction and nourishment of animals. Pakistan has the absolute best animal breeds however they should be raised by worldwide norms. "Whenever it is done, it ought to give Pakistani exporters an edge on the planet market," says Shehzad Aslam Ghauri, head supervisor of the meat send out organization.


Difficulties/Challenges and potential of meat exports
                                         Difficulties/Challenges and potential of meat exports