Queen ant

 Today's article is about the head of ants, the "queen ant".
 As we know, ants live in a highly organized and complex social system where three types of ants are found, viz.
 1. The queen ant
 2. Worker ants
 3. Male or Drones
 The queen ant is the only important member of the colony which lays eggs inside the colony and increases the population of the colony.

 New colony base:

 New queens (who are the offspring of the eldest queen) within any existing colony come out of the colony at a certain time and look for a male for themselves. The sperm collects sperm inside your body in a sac-like structure called the spermatheca. After that, if she escapes from weather conditions or predators, she digs a suitable place on the ground and starts making her burrow, where she lays her eggs for the first time, from which only worker ants emerge after some time. Let's start the part work.

 Determining the sex of the people of the colony:

 This work is also done by the queen ant. If the sperms found inside it fertilize its eggs, then female ants (workers, new queens) come out of it and if the queen does not fertilize them then males or drones come out of it.

 New queens are formed in the colony until the size of the colony increases to a certain extent before the queen ant releases chemicals from her body which are formed at the larval stage inside the female ants and ovaries. Stop being ...

 Identification of the Queen Ant:

 1. The queen ant is almost always larger than the other ants in the colony. However, its exact size depends on the species. For example, in leaf cutter ants, the queen is much larger than the worker ants, so it can be easily identified, while in carpenter ants, the worker ants are also quite large. The queen is a little difficult to identify.

 2. At some point in the life of the queen ants, there must be wings that usually fall off after mating with the male and before forming a new colony. If you look closely at the queen, After the fall, you will see a bump on this place ... which is an important sign of her being a queen.


 3. The queen ant is treated very differently in the colony, the rest of the ants are in charge of her care and take special care of her eggs and food. The queen ant is found in the very centre of the colony and around it. Soldier ants are present all the time. If you ever see a big ant and many small ants around it, it will likely be the queen ant.
 The average age of the queen:
 The average age of a queen can range from 2 to 30 years, depending on the type, diet and weather conditions.

 Several queen ants in a colony:

 One or more queens can be found in a colony
 A colony in which only one queen is found is called monogyny. There will be a girl ... It is very difficult for this colony to survive after the death of the queen.
 A colony with more than one egg-laying queen is called Polygyny.
 Remember that a monogyny colony can also have more than one queen, but we determine this by the number of queens laying eggs.

 * If the foundation of a colony is laid by one queen then this condition is called haplometrosis and if more than one queen forms then it is called pleocytosis.
 Note: The queen ant does not issue any work order to any ant, but each ant has its genes inside it to determine what kind of role it should play in its colony. But the queen's body and The camels that come out of it all keep them together.

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