Lumpy skin disease (LSD)

What is Lumpy skin Disease?
How is lumpy skin Disease Transmitted?
Cousative agent
Clinical signs?

What is lumpy skin Disease?

Also, known as Pox virus or (LSD)
Lumpy Skin Disease is a pox viral disease

Causative agent

Caused by Capripox virus 
In cattle with a major socio-economic impact.
The disease is characterized by

How is Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD), transmitted?

Different modes are established for LSD, as
mentioned below:
• Mechanical transmission through vectors
(biting flies)
• Through contaminated water troughs
• Calves can get affected by milk

Clinical signs of Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD)

¶ Fever ranging from 104 to 106.5-degree Fahrenheit (5 days post-inoculation)
¶ Lachrymation, inappetence, depression and unwillingness to move.
¶ Eruption of skin nodules ranging 5 to 50 mm in size and are painful.
¶ Nodules appear first around the head, including the mouth, nose and eyes,
followed by the neck, body, udder, genitals legs and tail.
¶ Nodules then become necrotic plugs which then slough off, leaving large ulcers on
the skin. 


Unfortunately, there are no specific antiviral drugs available for the treatment of lumpy skin
disease. Vaccination and the only treatment available are supportive care of cattle.

treatment of lumpy skin disease in cattle lumpy skin disease in cattle lumpy skin disease
lumpy skin disease in cattle

lumpy skin disease in cattle