Protein requirements for goats

Protein is usually the most expensive ingredient in animal feed. As far as energy is concerned, green fodder, silage and grains are sufficient to meet the nutritional needs of animals. And corn gluten feed. Bacteria that are present in the animal's stomach first break down the protein in the food into nitrogen and amino acids. 

The supply of amino acids is essential for the synthesis of protein in the body of animals. When the level of protein in the diet is low, the digestion of protein in the stomach will slow down and the amount of feed will be reduced. 

Inadequate protein levels in the diet can adversely affect growth rate, milk production, and disease resistance because insufficient amino acids are found in the intestines through fodder. 

Unlike energy, large amounts of protein are not stored in the animal's body. The armor of protein makes nitrogen and is excreted in the urine of urea. Therefore, animals need to provide with adequate protein to meet their nutritional needs. Protein requirements vary at different stages. Protein nutritional requirements vary with developmental and physiological stages and production levels.

Give animals bypass protein to meet their nutritional needs, which is part of the body, and milk instead of being excreted.

HP High protein

Bypass Protein (rumen coted Amino Acids) is An excellent and inexpensive source. Along with amino acids, it contains all the minerals, electrolytes, and vitamins.

Jonah not only increases the milk of the animals but also the health of the animal is good and in time the animal comes into shape. And it increases the production of meat in fattening animals. This makes the animal less fat and more meat.