Lumpy Skin Disease Part 2

Blood analysis of sick animals shows that the animal's body proteins are broken down. The reason for this is that the animal does not eat food, and the breakdown of this protein leads to an increase in the disease. One is that the animal eats less due to allergic reaction and fever, control both of them first, the link is at the end of the post. Then feed the animal anyway

If one type of fodder is not eaten, try to feed another type of fodder. This means anything the animal will eat, try different things at intervals. Two or four loaves of bread, even one-day old bread is not given in this season, old bread pieces are not given at all
Wheat bran. Add jaggery of any grain, corn, wheat, barley, etc., along with 50 grams of sweet soda. Glucose powder, molasses, sugar, etc., anything that gives energy to the animal
A sweet soda is a must with these things, Keep the animal's sitting area soft, sand is best, too soft and the sand has less germ growth, animals are disturbed first due to pain and swelling in the body, and hard places are more disturbed by sitting. As it happens, standing in a rigid position further aggravates the swelling Put a fan, etc. don't disturb the flies, the place should be soft, it means that the animal should be in peace More details are linked at the end of the post.

There are some animals that have recovered from the lumpy disease, but dangerous bacteria that do not easily enter the animal's body, but they are making the animal sick due to the wounds that are not cleaned, tetanus, and other clostridium bacteria with this disease. are more dangerous than, we think the animal at first got better than Lumpy but then became seriously ill again. Wounds can easily introduce germs into the animal's bloodstream
Therefore, keep the sitting area of ​​injured animals clean. Put eight hundred grams of caustic soda, which is also called soda ash, in a two-liter spray tank and clean the floor, remove dirt, and dung, or wash the floor and the floor first and spray it, spray it on the walls as well.
Do not use on animals, it is better to remove the animals and wash the floor, walls, and floors before use.
Only forty grams in one liter of water
Only four hundred grams in ten liters of water
Only eight hundred grams in twenty liters of water

It is better to use water and caustic soda in moderation And don't do it to animals. It is better if the water is heated. A detailed post on how to reduce viruses and infections on your farm will follow, God willing. The same has been stated in the previous two posts if the severity of the animal's disease is increasing, the animal is not improving and the condition is worsening, the rash is also increasing and the animal's fever is not coming down and the animal is not eating or drinking. If you are having difficulty breathing or breathing heavily, call your local doctor immediately.

The animals are dying only those who have severe disease, in the post-mortem, it has been seen that rashes appear on the lungs and liver of severely ill animals, now you are giving prescriptions to the animal which has rashes on its liver. The effect on the liver and kidneys is known because everything you give is absorbed into the blood and reaches the liver and kidneys.

Therefore, if the disease in the animal is severe, do not increase the burden on the animal by giving prescriptions, etc
