this short story for motivation has got 6 million views in 1 year. In today's post, I'm going to try to start a  similar YouTube channel using only AI. I plan to automate the entire creative process, from script writing to visuals to voiceovers and more... I came across this idea while scrolling on youtube, looking for channel automation ideas,   then I found this channel, which is about short stories for motivation. After doing some research, I found the daily to yearly income of this channel,   which you can see on your screen.

Let's go for it, okay, our channel has been created, Now we need to figure out our branding, I'm starting off by asking ChatGPT for 50 YouTube channel names. There are so many to choose from.  "Dream Chaser", I kind of like this one. Next up, is our profile picture. I'm gonna use "Stable Diffusion" an open-source AI art generator, let's generate a motivated boy, cartoon, and profile picture. To finish up the branding, we need a  banner, I'm just going to use our profile picture and Canva to create a banner,  the channel branding is all done by AI.

Now the real challenge is making the videos. So the first step for you is to target a specific group of people. For me, I want to target someone who is wasting his time on social media and needs some motivation to start studying. So I came to chat GPT and I'm going to ask chat GPT to "Give me a short story. ideas for someone who is wasting his time  on social media and doesn't want to study,  

but I want him to read this short story to get motivated, and get an idea to start studying".

As you can see, ChatGPT will give you some ideas. "The Social Media Trap" This story is about a young man who spends all his time scrolling through social media and neglecting his studies. I like this because it's a very interesting idea that we can start with. Now that we have a story idea, we can ask  Chat GPT to write a short story on it. So once it's done writing the story, all you have to do is just copy the story,  and the next step is to create the voice.

Go to ElevenLabs, I'm going to use this tool because it's free! and it's using advanced AI technology to generate voices, that sound like real people. All you have to do is paste the story that you have created using ChatGPT, and then select whatever voice you want, once you have selected your voice, click here and download the audio. Once it's done downloading, just go to  "", and create a free account,  If you already have an account, just click  on login, and then click on this one,  

Edit videos using text, Now upload the audio that you have just downloaded from eleven labs, click on proceed, and It's going to take a little time, click on "customize video". Now you can see that AI has already written the subtitles. All you have   to do is click on visuals and search for  whatever scene you want in your video,  

You can ask Stable Diffusion to create a "Social media addicted, illustration, boy" copy the image and paste it into the editor. once you've selected your scene, click on generate video. All right, I think this is gonna work! Now we need to create a thumbnail for the video.  So for that, you need to come to Canva. I'll put all the links in the description, and just simply click on "Youtube thumbnail". From here, you need to upload your image, Now you can add some text to make it stand out, So take your time to create your thumbnail. Now just click on share and download the thumbnail from here. Now to upload the video we need a title and description. For that, paste the story and ask ChatGPT to generate the title and description, and boom, everything is done by AI.

Now go to your channel, Click on upload, paste the title and description, upload the thumbnail, and publish the video,  and congratulations! your channel is ready! I hope you guys learned something from this post,   and if you enjoyed it, don't forget  to hit the like and share

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