Assessing the true cost of mastitis to your farm is essential for effective management. Here are four ways to do so:

1. Veterinary Costs: Calculate expenses related to veterinary care, medication, and treatment for mastitis cases. This includes the cost of antibiotics, vet consultations, and any diagnostic tests.

2. Reduced Milk Production: Estimate the loss in milk production due to mastitis. Consider the decreased milk yield per affected cow and how long it takes for them to recover. Multiply this by the number of affected cows over time to quantify the lost income.

3. Quality and Milk Price Penalties: Evaluate any quality and milk price penalties imposed by milk processors due to increased somatic cell counts or lower milk quality resulting from mastitis. These penalties can significantly impact your income.

4. Labor and Time: Account for the extra labor and time required to manage mastitis cases, such as increased milking time, cleaning, and care for affected cows. Calculate the opportunity cost of this additional effort.

By considering these factors, you can get a more accurate picture of the true cost of mastitis to your farm and make informed decisions to prevent and manage this common dairy cattle disease.