The Importance of Salt to Livestock, significance of salt to creatures ,importance of salt in cattle

            The Importance of Salt to Livestock, significance of salt to creatures ,importance of salt in cattle                The Importance of Salt to Livestock, significance of salt to creatures ,importance of salt in cattle

Salt is an essential component of food for the health of humans, plants and animals. Salt is a tonic rich in sodium and chloride which has many benefits for animals. In addition, the presence of some other essential minerals for animal health such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, iron and zinc in salt further enhances its importance.
Dairy animals need salt to make milk daily because the sodium and chloride in milk increase the animal's need for salt during the milk production process. In addition, salt-derived calcium is important in lactating animals and calves, which are essential for strong bone and tooth growth, as well as keeping the heartbeat normal, preventing blood from clotting. Helps to control muscle movement and the animal's nervous and brain systems.
At the same time, sodium controls the acidity of the animal, and chloride regulates the digestive system, as well as the acidity in the blood.
What are the disadvantages of salt deficiency?
This seemingly ordinary and cheap blessing, if left unchecked and made an integral part of the animal's diet, can lead to many disadvantages and problems.
1. Significant decline in milk production.
2. Loss of appetite.
3. Don't gain weight.
4. Risk of milk fever due to calcium deficiency.
5. Small calves and calves do not grow due to osteoporosis and become infected with polio.
6. Lack of salt also leads to severe dehydration, which increases the risk of dehydration.
7. Weakening of the animal by eating non-essential items such as soil, clothes, ropes, etc. Frequent urination is also a sign of salt deficiency.
8. Drinking the animal's own urine also indicates a lack of salt in the animal.
9 Sometimes animals get food poisoning due to lack of magnesium in the body. The presence of salt is important in preventing and preventing this problem.
What are the benefits of salt?
1. Significant increase in milk production.
2. Be safe from bloating.
3. Strengthening of animal hooves and horns.
4. Increasing the animal's ability to reproduce.
5. The timely arrival of the animal in the heat, which gives the animal the ability to give birth on time.
6. Being part of the body by digesting food well. Etc.
The presence of salt stones from every part of Pakistan, all the time in front of Kharli or animals can not only save the farmers from many troubles but also save the cattle breeders from the cost of medicines and treatment. In addition, a significant increase in milk without any additional costs can lead to an increase in income.


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