New castle disease, Newcastle disease virus, Newcastle disease in poultry, Newcastle disease treatment

Rani Sheet (new castle disease) is a contagious and infectious disease. It is commonly found in domestic chickens, poultry farm chickens, ascetics, pigeons and all other grain-eating birds.

It has less effect on carnivorous birds like crows, eagles, owls, etc., because of the high acidity in the body of these birds, which is why it has less effect on them.
Also found in ducks, pigeons, parrots and other wild birds. The characteristic of this disease is the digestive system.
Affects the nervous system, the muscles that control the body, and the respiratory system.
In the case of this disease, the first symptoms begin with shortness of breath. After a day or two, the legs may become paralyzed, and the bird's head may bend towards the shoulder. Adult birds suffer from shortness of breath and paralysis, as well as a decrease in the production of egg-laying birds.
 The incidence and mortality of this disease vary from bird to bird, with up to 70% observed.
The disease occurs in both domestic and wild birds. Domestic chickens are more susceptible to this disease. While ducks and ducks are less susceptible to the disease than chickens.
 I have this disease. The virus of this disease can keep itself alive among the birds. Apart from chickens, the disease is found in turkeys, ducks, pigeons, birds, crows and many other birds. The virus can even cause eye infections in humans.



Causative agent

The disease is caused by a virus that belongs to a family called paramyxoviruses. There are three types of viruses that can cause disease.

(1) Velogenic:

This type of virus causes severe disease and death in birds.

(2) Mesogenic:

This type affects the nervous system of birds.

(3) Lentogenic:

The virus causes respiratory problems in birds, but it does reduce the severity of the queen's disease.
How the disease is transmitted: (Transmission)
* The arrival of sick birds in a healthy flock spreads the disease.
* The disease is spread due to the death of birds and their organs.
* Traders who buy eggs from one farm to another spread the disease.
* Most people visit poultry farms near the city to see the chickens, which play an important role in spreading the virus.
* Baskets and crates carrying chickens from one place to another also spread the disease.
* Birds such as coyotes and birds play an important role in spreading the disease from one farm to another.
* Non-adherence to hygiene rules also keeps the disease germs alive on the farm and causes disease whenever there is any stress on the birds.
* The tools and equipment used on infected poultry farms also serve this purpose and remember that whenever you vaccinate, wrap the remaining vaccine, its vial and dropper in a shopper and burn it or bury it in the ground.

Clinical signs

The virus takes 5 to 6 days to develop, after which it causes disease. In terms of symptoms and severity, the Newcastle disease symptoms are divided into 4 parts.

(1) Acute condition of the disease: (Velogenic form)

The disease appears suddenly and spreads very quickly. Birds begin to die without any symptoms. At first, the birds look nervous and anxious. Weakness increases the speed of breathing and causes green hands, which often include blood. As soon as the cough starts, the birds start panting and also expel moisture from the eyes and nose. Occasionally there is severe dehydration, bruising of the scalp and beard, and inflammation of the scalp.
If the bird endures this initial attack, then its central nervous system (CNS) is affected, in which the bird's neck bends backwards, which is called (Torticollis).
Egg production is severely reduced and malignant eggs are produced. More than 90% of deaths occur in this type of disease.
Postmortem examination
Bloodstains are found in the internal organs. Wounds and bloody spots are prominent in the organs of the digestive system, especially in the oesophagus, small stomach, large intestine and anus.
In the picture given in the post, it can be seen clearly in the stomach and intestines
 are found.

(2) Low severity of the disease: (Mesogenic form)

This type of disease also appears suddenly and spreads quickly in the flock. The main symptoms are loss of appetite in birds, decrease in egg production, cough and greenish-yellow hands. These chicks show neurological symptoms after two weeks. At the beginning of the disease, the eggshell is incomplete or disappears completely. The mortality rate in these chicks is up to 50% and in adult chickens, it is 5% to 50%.
Postmortem examination
Bloodstains in the small stomach (Proventriculus) of a dead bird
This can be clearly seen in the picture given in the post
Occasionally and occasionally in the small intestine. If there is a respiratory problem, a special substance in the nose, throat and respiratory tract.


new castle disease
disease symptoms
Newcastle disease in chickens
Newcastle disease symptoms in humans
exotic Newcastle disease
causes of Newcastle disease
Newcastle in chickens 
Newcastle disease in poultry