Calf Pneumonia

Calf pneumonia is a major problem in dairy and beef herds. It is a multifactorial disease and the most common post-mortem diagnosis in calves between one to five months of age.

Infectious agents involved include Mannheimia haemolytica, Haemophilus Somnus, Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR), bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) and Parainfluenza III Virus (PI3), along with many other bacteria and mycoplasma species and viruses.

Calf Pneumonia Symptoms treatment and prevention in  cattle calves

Environmental factors include low environmental temperatures and high humidity and poor ventilation and also direct draughts onto calves themselves. The relationship between season and outbreaks may also be related to management practices including calving patterns and mixing of different ages of calves.
There are two types of the disease, acute and chronic.


Dull and depressed
High temperature
Raised breathing due to lung damage
Nasal discharge
Reduced food intake
Chronic pneumonia is more gradual in onset with no distinct ill phase and the cow may appear to still eat well but may have a slight nasal discharge, sometimes with an increased respiratory rate and cough.
Both forms of respiratory disease cause production losses as there is a reduction in live weight gain and there may be deaths in the acute syndrome.


It can be difficult to control pneumonia when calves are placed in communal pens. Improved husbandry, ventilation and good nursing care can all reduce risks of pneumonia, as well as ensure that young animals receive appropriate amounts of colostrum within the first 24 hours of birth.


All calves must have one gallon of colostrum within four to six hours of birth to receive adequate immunity. Calves that are not given enough antibodies at birth are at increased risk for pneumonia and scours throughout the entire growing period.


calf pneumonia

bovine pneumonia

pneumonia in cattle

pneumonia in cattle treatment

calf pneumonia treatment

treating pneumonia in beef calves

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pneumonia in beef cattle

stress-induced pneumonia in cattle

bronchopneumonia in cattle

viral pneumonia in cattle

the best treatment for pneumonia in calves

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bovine pneumonia treatment

viral pneumonia in calves

the best treatment for pneumonia in cattle

bacterial pneumonia in cattle

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acute pneumonia in cattle

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