The Agritourism Development Corporation of Pakistan is a party consisting of hundreds of volunteers from all over the country. Every service is a member of our congregation who volunteered to help the farmers, women and children of the beloved homeland to stand on their own two feet. Every member of agri-tourism is a great and successful man in his field. We all do not take any salary from anyone for serving others, we do not take any funds or donations from anyone. 

 We all spend our resources and time on the welfare of other people because we believe that the best kind of charity is that if Allah Almighty has given you the style of fishing then you should give it to someone else. Also, explain how to catch fish. In our opinion, charity is that if Allah Almighty has given you a lot of wealth, then you should help someone else to earn a little wealth. If Allah Almighty has given you a lot of honour and fame, then you should help someone else to earn a little bit of honour and fame. If Allah Almighty has made you a successful person, then you have made another person successful. Help her to be. This is the best example of charity.

Rest assured we are all the most successful people in our field. That's why they come out with such passion and enthusiasm. Farmers in rural areas need to teach entrepreneurship to the women of their families and their children so that they can earn good profits and be able to stand on their own two feet and lead a better life for themselves and their families.
 We also believe that every child of the beloved homeland should attain economic freedom till the age of 25 years. (Economic freedom means that the servant does not have to run after eight to five jobs all his life for pet worship)

If our children have decided that they have to do a job in life, then they have complete freedom to prepare and study for the job. Otherwise, entrepreneurship is the best option. Entrepreneurship and branding skills should be imparted to the children from the very first classes and games and homework should be imparted to them which would make them interested in launching their own brands. Parents should train their twelve or thirteen-year-old boy or girl to create their own brand. As the baby gets older, his or her brand will grow. By the age of twenty-five, his brand would have been twelve or thirteen years old.

 Agriculture, agri-value addition products and agri-tourism have innumerable opportunities for entrepreneurship. There is a need to promote these opportunities and help every child of the beloved homeland to become a successful person.

 Let me tell you the secret of true happiness in life today.  Successful people are in control of almost every single situation. Either he stays in the circle of two plus two and becomes the bull of the crusher in amassing wealth for his children. From one factory to another mill, from one acre of land to the next hundred acres, from house to house in every city, and then in every country, in the cycle of building a house, continue to be a passenger on a useless track. The second track of life is that if you have become a successful person and your success has a hand in the success of many other successful people, then you can be sure that there is no lucky person like you on earth and Real happiness is obtained, it is not obtained by acquiring anything material.

 The successful person is the person whom Allah Almighty has given
 * Provides a formula/prescription for healing.
 * Gives knowledge.
 * Gives this honour, fame and wealth.
 * Gives you some skills, skills.
 * Provides an understanding of the guiding principles of life.
 * Provides an understanding of any practical/smart methods in farming
  Or some of the best fishing techniques you can think of.
 So rest assured you are the most successful person in life.

I join hands with all the people who are successful in their respective fields and I request you to come forward and help someone in need to be successful. Believe that human beings are more important than things. 

 The dream of moving the country on the path of development could be embarrassing if we become hands-on rather than leg-spinning.  May Allah be our supporter and helper
 Tariq Tanveer CEO & Finder Agri Tourism Development Corporation of Pakistan.

The Agritourism Development Corporation of Pakistan
The Agritourism Development Corporation of Pakistan

The Agritourism Development Corporation of Pakistan

The Agritourism Development Corporation of Pakistan
The Agritourism Development Corporation of Pakistan
The Agritourism Development Corporation of Pakistan
The Agritourism Development Corporation of Pakistan

The Agritourism Development Corporation of Pakistan
The Agritourism Development Corporation of Pakistan
The Agritourism Development Corporation of Pakistan
The Agritourism Development Corporation of Pakistan