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 When we have to show the cowardice of a person, we usually liken him to a jackal. This is not true because jackals are shy but not cowards.
 The wolf belongs to the genus Canis of the Canidae family of mammals, which includes dogs and wolves.

                                   Jackal the jackal Spread  Physical features Types  Food  Breeding facts

 * Spread:

 Wolves are found in Asia, Africa and Europe.

 Physical features:

 Their skin is usually composed of yellow, brown and golden colours. Which varies in color depending on the season.
 The ears are long and the tail is bushy, resembling a fox's tail.


 There are only three species of wolves in the world.
 1. Side-stripped jackal (Canis adustus)
 It is found in Central and South Africa. They are less aggressive than the other two species. They live mostly in humid areas and forests. This species emerges only at night.
 2. Black-backed jackal (Canis mesomelas)
 They are also found only in Africa. They prefer to live mostly in dry areas. Their backs are full of black hair and their abdomen is white.
 3. Golden jackal / Asiatic jackal (Canis aureus)
 These species are found in Europe and South Asia, in addition to East and North Africa, they also prefer arid areas as a habitat. The same type is found in Pakistan.

                                        Jackal the jackal Spread  Physical features Types  Food  Breeding facts


 Wolves are found in Asia, Africa and Europe.


 It is an omnivorous animal that does not shy away from using plants in its diet in addition to meat.
 Their diet includes rabbits, frogs, snakes, fruits, plants and birds.
 Hunting is usually done in pairs. If food is never available, they turn to the population and become victims of bullets. Does "


 They are very fast in-running which helps them to catch prey and avoid being preyed upon.
 They are known for defending their territory and preventing any other animal from entering their territory. They live in a group called a pack or tribe. And there are between ten and thirty wolves in a group. Each group has a specific voice for communication that is completely different from the wolves of the rest of the group. All wolves in the group have the same eating, sleeping, and hunting times.  Some wolves are also used to being isolated. They usually wake up in the morning or in the evening and stay asleep during the day


 Females and males live together as a pair for the rest of their lives and do not change their partners and raise their offspring at the same time. If one of them dies then the rest of the family life is enough. It becomes difficult. Matching usually takes place between October and March. Females and males together form a burrow in the ground for babies. The gestation period is 70 days, the female gives birth to three, four or five babies called pups, these babies are very weak and blind at first and after two months of birth, they start eating solid food.
 When babies reach six months of age, males and females work together to teach them to hunt. At the age of 11 months, babies are completely separated from their parents or stay with them and taken care of the newborn babies. These babies are called helpers jackal.
 They range in age from ten to twelve.

  Role and importance in the environment

 1. Wolves are an important source of dirt in the environment as they also eat dead animals which causes odour and pollution in the environment.
 2. They control the population of animals that damage rats and other crops.
  In some tribes, their nails and skin are kept indoors to ward off evil spirits, and their hearts are boiled and eaten to treat epilepsy.
 Like dogs, wolves can spread rabies to humans.

 the hunter:

 Their hunters include eagles, leopards and falcons. They are also often killed by humans.

Jackal the jackal Spread  Physical features Types  Food  Breeding facts