We have heard the mention of fox in many stories since childhood. The story "Grapes are sour" is memorized by every Pakistani child in both English and Urdu. Today we will also take a detailed look at this cute animal. The fox belongs to the Canidae (also called the family of dogs) of the mammal class. This family includes dogs, wolves and wolves.
There are 37 species of the fox all over the world which are grouped into 9 different genera.
 Only members of the genus Vulpes are called True foxes, meaning real foxes. Vulpes is a Latin word meaning fox. There are a total of 12 species in this genus.
 There are four species of foxes in Pakistan
 1. Red fox (Vulpes vulpes)
 2. Bengal fox (Vulpes bengalensis)
 3. Blanford's fox (Vulpes Cana)
 4. Ruppell's fox (Vulpes rueppelli)

                                     The species of foxes in Pakistan , Spread, Physical features , Food , Report ,  Breeding,  Role in the environment


 Foxes are found in the continents of Asia, Africa, Europe and North America. They can live in all kinds of environments ie forests, plains, deserts, and glaciers are their favourite habitat. In addition, they are also found in urban areas. ۔

 Physical features:

 Foxes are usually similar to dogs. Their jaws are strong and their teeth are pointed to help prey. The tail is long and full of hair, which also serves to warm the body.
 Desert foxes have thin skin and long ears to keep their bodies warm, while foxes in icy or cold regions have smaller ears and thicker skin.
 Some species of foxes change the colour of their skin according to the season, as fox foxes turn white in winter and brown or grey in summer. This change helps them hide in the environment and avoid predators.

                                  The species of foxes in Pakistan , Spread, Physical features , Food , Report ,  Breeding,  Role in the environment


 When it comes to food, foxes are not very fussy. They are also omnivorous animals like foxes. They use both animals and plants as food. They usually eat meat but when meat is not available, plants spend on it.
 Their diet includes berries, fruits, vegetables, eggs, frogs, rabbits, rats, fish, insects, crabs, and birds.
 Most foxes go out at night in search of food, but some species also hunt early in the morning, evening or during the day. They break his neck or back when they are hunted. They have a habit of hunting more than they need, which they eat a little and bury in the rest of the earth or hide somewhere else ... and when they get hungry again, they take out the same food and eat it. If there is a shortage of food in their area, they travel long distances in search of food.
 Foxes have a keen sense of sight and smell which helps them to hunt. It also specializes in digging and removing insects and other animals from the soil or ice.
                                The species of foxes in Pakistan , Spread, Physical features , Food , Report ,  Breeding,  Role in the environment


 Foxes often prefer to be alone, unlike other animals in their family (wolves, wolves).
 Only one-time groups are formed during mating and child-rearing
  This is called "leash of foxes" or skulk.
 In addition, some species live in groups.


 The female fox is called a vixen while the male is called a "dog fox" or toad. Fox babies are called kits or kits. Males and females mate between December and March. To give birth, a bill or den is made in the ground where the female gives birth to children between 1 and 11.
 Fox babies are born blind and dumb. Therefore, they depend on their mother for one month after birth. Babies are usually grey in colour. Males and females raise babies together.
 Not all fox cubs reach puberty, ten to twenty per cent die in infancy, and their dead bodies are eaten by the rest of the fox cubs.

 the hunter:

 Their predators include coyotes and eagles, which eat their young.

 Role in the environment:

 * Foxes control populations of various harmful insects and rats.
 * They also play an important role in the spread of batches.
 Humans hunt them for their skins which are used in making coats etc.
 They do not attack humans but if they fall prey to rabies they become very angry and do not stop attacking.

                                The species of foxes in Pakistan , Spread, Physical features , Food , Report ,  Breeding,  Role in the environment