Demodex is a mite that lives in human hair follicles, usually on your face. Almost everyone has these mites, but they usually don’t cause any problems. But Demodex can multiply too quickly in people who are immunocompromised or have other skin conditions. That causes an itchy, irritating disease called demodicosis.

What is Demodex?

Demodex is a sort of minuscule bug that lives in human hair follicles. The minuscule animals are 8-legged creatures, cousins of insects and ticks. Nearly everybody has Demodex parasites living on their skin and in their pores, especially their:
Beyond ear trenches
Sides of the nose

Typically, the vermin in no way hurt. In any case, too many can cause a skin condition called demodicosis (likewise called Demodex folliculitis). Are there various sorts of Demodex parasites?

Two principal types of Demodex live on people:

Demodex folliculorum: 

D. folliculorum for the most part lives in more modest hair follicles, particularly your eyelashes. They eat skin cells.

Demodex Brevis: 

D. brevis as a rule lives close to the oil organs in hair follicles. They eat sebum, an oily substance made by oil organs.

What do Demodex parasites resemble?

A Demodex vermin is very little (0.15 millimeters [mm]­-0.4 mm). It would take a few of them to cover a pinhead. Under a magnifying instrument, the parasite looks somewhat straightforward and is covered with scales. It has a lengthened body with two portions. The primary portion has eight legs and a mouth. At the point when you rest, the bugs emerge from your skin's pores, mate, then, at that point, return to your skin to lay eggs.

How normal is demodicosis?
Even though Demodex vermin are exceptionally normal, demodicosis is somewhat interesting.

Who could get demodicosis?
Demodicosis is bound to happen in individuals who: 

Are getting immunosuppressants (for instance, after organ transplantation).
Are getting chemotherapy.
Have an immunodeficiency sickness like HIV and Helps.
Have other skin conditions, like rosacea.
Use tingle-easing creams all over, for example, hydrocortisone cream.

This creature is called Demodex and it lives inside the eyelids of every human eye. They come out at night when you are sleeping, they run on your face. The male and female mate on your face, and the female lays 20 to 24 eggs inside each hair of your eyelashes. The bug's job is to eat your dead skin every day to make new skin, which is a natural cosmetic procedure while you sleep.

Demodex mites shampoo humans

1. Tea Tree Special Shampoo, Deep Cleans, Refreshes Scalp, For All Hair Types

2. Paul Mitchell Awapuhi Shampoo, Original Wash, Balances Moisture, For All Hair

3. Tea Tree Lemon Sage Thickening Shampoo, Builds Body + Boosts Volume For Fine Hair