"Fever Symptoms"

  · Body feels warm.

  · Thirst: The animal drinks a lot of water.

  · The animal does not urinate more than usual.

  Hair is raised.

  · Appetite decreases.

  · Eyes are not shining

  Nose is dry.

  Feel the animal's ear. If the ear is very hot, the animal is sick and needs treatment.

   Check for fever by grasping the base of the ear.


  A sudden change in weather can cause fever. Young animals are more sensitive.

  Fever is mainly caused by viruses, bacteria or protozoa.

  It can also be caused by sunstroke or poisoning. If the animal shows any of the following symptoms, it may have one of the following diseases: Consider consulting a professional (a local development officer or veterinarian).

  · Bloody, foul-smelling diarrhea (possibly rinderpest).

  difficulty breathing (pneumonia); If snoring and bloating (hemorrhagic septicemia)

  Lameness, difficulty eating (foot and mouth disease)

  · Very high fever, swelling of the whole body (anthrax).

  Lameness, swelling of muscles in thigh and shoulder (black quarter).

  Inflammation of the udder (mastitis)

  Red urine (babesiosis).

  Groaning and groaning when moving, weakness, fatigue (lasts only 3 days) (fatal fever).

  Watery boils (pox) on the body

  Watery boils (pox) on the body